Friday, February 24, 2012

Gods canvas,.

I watch as the colors of the sky shift and change places,
mixing and forming new ones.
I stare in awe at the invisible paint brush playing with the sunset.
The sky is Gods canvas,
and I know He must be inspired tonight.
And the sun is holding so much light,
so big and beautiful and bright.
I close my eyes and pretend I am there,
being held in it's warm embrace.
Cradled like a child, with a smile on my face,
because I know no other moment could take this ones place.
My eyes open, still burning from the sun
as I watch it sink down into the sea,
taking one last dip in the hazy horizon,
before making its way to someone elses sky,
someones "good morning" is someone elses "goodbye".

-Ashley Green

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